Youth & Discipleship
Lloyd Smith | Youth & Discipleship Director
The Midlands Region Youth and Discipleship Department exists to serve and provide resources to local churches in Iowa and Nebraska. Our mandate is to reach, win, and disciple the students of this generation.
Click any of the images below to register for these great upcoming events sponsored by the Midlands YD family!
2023-2024 Youth & Discipleship Board
Simon Brodie
Bobby Michaud
Ariel Brodie
William Fidler
Sharon Hanna
YWEA 2024

Last year, the Midlands Region (Iowa and Nebraska) broke the all-time giving record for annual contributions to YWEA. WOW! But we aren’t stopping there!
For 2024, we are asking and believing to break that record again – to raise $23,000 to help restore hope and reclaim lives in Australia, Fiji, and New Zealand.
Will you and your church join us to help make this possible? We believe that with your faithful support, we will touch those who are less fortunate than us. Together with Church of God World Missions, we are ministering to the last, the least, and the lost!
– Shane Stone, Youth & Discipleship Director